Curriculum vitae
Date and place of birth:
21. 04. 1948 - Vienna, Austria
1966 – Matura RG 18, Schopenhauerstraße
1972 - Graduated as doctor of medicine at the University of Vienna
1972-1976 medical internship for general praxis (Turnus) at the Poliklinik, Vienna
Professional activities
1976- 1977 – military service as medical doctor in Cyprus UNFICYP
Since 1977 – settled down in own praxis as a General Practitioner in Vienna,
Diplomas for acupuncture (1978), homeopathy (1994) and
psychosomatic medicine (2009)
Tutor for medical education in general practice approved from the Ministry
of Health since 2000, from the medical university of Vienna since 2004
1979 – 1993 employed as medical doctor at a secondary school (RG19) in Vienna
1985 – 2005 regular duties as medical doctor during parliament’s sessions in Vienna
Activities in complementary medicine:
1977 – 1987 active member in the Austrian society of Acupuncture (Prof. Bischko)
1987 – 1994 study and practice of Electro-Acupuncture for diagnostically and therapeutically
purposes, study of classical Homoeopathy
1992 – 1997 lectures on “Chinese systems for medical psychology” (part of a cycle of
lectures dealing with systemic approaches in medicine (Prof. Feigl, Vienna –
Poliklinik), several similar lectures in secondary schools for students in the
school year
1994 – 2002 Vize-Präsident of „Dachverband Österreichischer Ärzte(innen) für
Ganzheitsmedizin“ (associating most of the different complementary medical
societies in Austria)
2008 New book completed: „Psychosomatische Vorsorgemedizin“ – Seelische
Gesundheit durch polares Denken und Altchinesische Phasenwandlungslehre,
Edited by Springer WienNewYork
2008 oral contribution at the World Congress of Psychotherapy in Peking:
“Human evolution based upon old Chinese patterns?”
5/ 2011 Congress for TCM Psychology an sleep medicine, Bejing,
Leadership Prof. Wang-Weidong:
2 oral Presentations on "Old Chinese patterns for Psychology":
Yin - Yang for Psychology
Wu - xing for Psychology
11/2011 Ministry of Health, Vienna, Austria, J. Bischko Symposium -Focus Geriatrics
Leadership Prof. H. Nissel, Prof A. Meng:
"Old Chinese patterns to prevent loneliness and burnout syndroms" - workshop
since 2012 Detailed information about sense and applications of complemetary Medicine on
own Homepage
2014 Journal Biocosmology - Neoaristotelism Vol 4 Nrs 1 and 2, Spring 2014:
(edited by K. Khroutski) Rationally realizing psychosocial evolutio0n through a well
balanced Polarity in thinking, behavior and feeling;
Vol 4 Nr 3 summer 2014 - edited by K. Khroutsky:
Wu-xing for Psychology - an ancient model to discuss psychosocial evolution and
2016 International Symposium "Philosophy of Nature" University of Vienna, Prof. Hisaki Hashi
and 11. International Symposium in Biocosmology
Felix Badelt: 1. Introduction: Systemic aspects of Old Chinese Natural Philosophy;
2. Yin-Yang-Taiji and the Five phases rotation system as rational tools to explain
psychosocial progress and risks
2019 Lectures for GAMED Salutogenese Kongress 9.11. an for Kophil am 14.11.:
"Altchinesische Gesundheitsmuster . heute"
2022 Foundation of ia new ntegrative-medical party, thus elected into the chamber of austrian medical doctors
(Ärztekammer) - consultant in the field of complementary and integrative medicine
Special interests
Medical psychology, Salutogenese, psychosomatic aspects in a comprehensive medicine;
Electric phenomena (skin resistance) over acupuncture points and other specific points according to EAV (Elektroakupunktur nach Voll) for:
1. better evaluation (screening) of wellbeing, functional diseases or severe illnesses,
2. to verify positive influences of suitable homeopathic remedies in the patient`s soft tissue,
3. to compare influences of homeopathic remedies with school medical pharmaceutics as a further
complementary step towards a more individualized therapy with minimized side effects.